·Some skip butons to other points of the intro.
·Options work now inside the game.
·New skill system (now the skills must be learned using xp points).
·Skills tree (new habilities will show while learning the previous ones).
·Some skills can be upgraded (for now just add more images or animations apearing ramdomly when using the skill. Does not improve what it does).
·A description of the skill will apear placing the mouse on the skill in the skill tree.
·Added animation with the plain villager and Elana and some images for the rumors skill.
·Added animation with the plain villager and Elana for loving touch skill.
·Added animation with the plain villager and Elana for surprise kiss skill.
·Added bad touch skill with an animation whit the plain villagers and Elana.
·When upgraded, the foreplay skill will show two more animations.
·Added magic wind skill.
·Added visions skill whit an animation of plain villagers and some images (same as rumors skill)
·Added spontaneus arousal skill with an animation of plain villagers and Elana.
·Minimum balancing between magic an phisic actons. Actions give more influence and magic give more xp (the final balance it will not be made until everything is on the table).
·When you enter an area auctomatically does an observing action.
·Added skip button for observing events.
·Added menus and mechanic sounds.
·Added blur option for backgrounds instead of darken.
·Added more events for the square, houses and farms (now every area except the castle, academy and the mountain has at least 12 events).
·Corrections on some text for events and actions.
·Added about 10 images for the observing events.
·Upgraded the balance between influence and what event shows when observin an area (again not definitive).
·Backgrownd for the houses and tabern added (and sketches for the rest of the areas)
There is a newer version for our patrons so some things are already upgraded or fixed.
Check our blog (+18) https://www.elanachampionoflust.blogspot.com for more info and images and our patreon (+18) https://www.patreon.com/elanachampionoflust
if you want to support us
Is the game going to have an "ending" when you reach 100% everywhere and, if so, will it have a "continue" option? Brilliant game, by the way. I really love it :)
When finished, when Elana reaches enough expirience, influence and complete some quests she will evolve and the game will go to what could be "chapter 2", same thing to go to "chapter 3" and then the ending. After that it could be a sandbox mode to continue playing.
Thanks and glad you like it .