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knotgames's News

Posted by knotgames - September 10th, 2018


We are getting close to finish chapter 2! There is still significant amount of work to do but now we see the light at the end of the tunnel ^^

So this are our plans, for the next months:


Knot will work on the android version while Root and Berserk work on the content. Berserk will work on writing side events left (hot springs, archives in the castle…) and Root on the main events (Jane, Archmage, the elven queen, the war, the demons…). We’ll also release the final version of chapter 1 at the end of the month with the new music, a couple of bug fixes and the credits. We had this final version of chapter 1 since February or so, waiting for a last and intensive testing but since we always had a lot of work we leaved it aside more than it should. We included patrons from the “Producer” tier until February because we closed it then, but people who pledged on that tier later will be included in future credits (for the next chapters or the final pack of chapters). 

We doesn’t plan to release a new version at the end of the month BUT if Knot is able to finish the Android version early and we have enough material, there is chances we still do a release of chapter 2 by the end of the month.


Our plan for October is finish all event and release a version only lacking of some images/animations, the final battle(s) and the ending. 


Final battle, ending (including cinematic), fill visual content left… BETA! We include December to this point because we want to be prudent since we are not sure how much the ending cinematic will take but our plan is be doing the intro and preparing the mechanics of chapter 3.

This are our plans and we’ll do our best to accomplish them within the mentioned dates but this is still a time approximation.

Thanks for make it possible and have nice week!


Posted by knotgames - December 1st, 2017

We just released a wikia for any one who wants to check or add information, we encourage you to feel free to edit or make new articles! (we’ll slowly fill it though). This is for everyone who wants to know more about the game and a place were the players can find guides to advance in the events, spirits, etc.. also it will be a helpful tool for us. The game is starting to be pretty big and it will be a quick way to remind features while developing the game:



Posted by knotgames - November 15th, 2017

This could happen for some different reasons.
· Play on incognito mode (it prevents the save file to get created)
· Have your browser settings marked as "not accept third party cookies (will prevent the creation of th file too.
· Delete your browser historic or cookies (deletes the save file)
· Run a Ccleaner or some program like this on your computer (can delete the save file too)

Hope it help!

(Btw someone send us a private message with this question and we deleted the message by mistake, sorry about that :S)

Posted by knotgames - November 3rd, 2017

5378138_150970636413_piexiescens.jpgSome of you may wonder and some of you already asked... What is left on chapter 2?

So here is a rough list of the big blocks left on chapter two and a rough description of what you can expect on every alpha.

Blocks of chapter 2 left:
· Castle
· Church
· Academy
· Hot springs
· More beach
· Castle archives.
· Training area.
· Room in the church.
· Crypt.
· Blacksmith.
· The seer.
· Church of Elana.
· Tavern managing.
· Night events (triple?).
· Sleep/dream events
· Under the sea (still a lot to think about this).
· More elven events (more or less the double).
· Wild people.
· Renegades arena.
· Renegades military camp.
· Demon's war.
· Demon's dimension.
· Finish spirits.
· Finish objects.
· Card game.
· Mage boss.
· Priest boss.
· Warrior boss.
· Demon boss.
· Aly and Lily (not real sisters by the way, no one is relative to any one in this island of clones).
· Loola.
· King and Queen.
· Archmage.
· Holy Belle.
· Jenara.
· Morrow.
· Some more of Scylla.
· Jane.
· Ending.

What can you expect of a month/month and a half alpha?

Every alpha will have, more or less 2-4 points of this lists, 5,000 to 15,000 word for events, 15 to 30 images and 2 to 4 animations.

Even so coding, writing and drawing it's not an exact science. Some of the blocks of the list could take a full month of work and some, because of story matters can't be fully finished in the same release. We also work on events from the polls, reward events and, even working to publish regular updates, all the work we do can't always be reflected on the monthly alpha.

Some of the points could disappear or change during the development.

We are adding a link to this post on our overview description and we'll update it month by month.

Posted by knotgames - August 31st, 2016

Finally we have the "beta" of chapter one here. Thanks for your patience. 


· A new battery of observing events written by Turnip. We've been working for several months with the writer Turnip and finally we had added more or less 12 observing events in every area written by him (with it's own ragdolls).

· Tutorial updated with the new features.

· Replaced sketches from the previous version for the final images.

· Added fairy village in the forest (nothing to do there yet).

· Added smithy in the square with 1 image.

· Now you can get a lock to close the door of the room in the tavern to avoid the drunk man during the night.

· Now you can visit the seer in the houses with 1 image and 1 animation (the closer to a walkthrought you'll get from us :P).

· Added note to reread the predictions from the seer.

· Added unlockable gallery, not as much complete as the $10+ patrons but quite comlete. Once unlocked the sections will apear when the areas or characters are fully completed (Hints: night, houses, Lodred).

· Added meeting room in the church (nothing to do there yet).

· Added training area in the castle (nothing to do there yet).

· The mountain is no longer an "area" like the others. Now you can access there through the houses and the farms going through the canyon.

· Changed the text of the elves in the entrance of the mountain.

· Through the canyon you can go to the path of the river (there is a choice event there but nothing more to do there yet).

· Now you can go to the inner door of the academy.

· Now you can use the sigils there (once is unlocked, with all the requirements reached, could be it will not open because of a bug but if you go out of the academy and enter again it will work).

· Added Archmage Allor with combat events. With the events and the combat, more or less 25 images and 1 animation (we recomend have all trainings done and the books from Rala's shop for this part. Also some potions will not be a bad idea).

· Added Elana and spirit transformation.

· Added animation of Elana's transformation.

· Now the chapter can be ended (but you can keep playing if you want).

· Added auto-save. When you'll go to load the game it will let you choos betwen the auto-saved game and the regular saved game.

· Added spanish texts (not checked, some mix of languages could apear). The language can be changed while playing in the options menu.

· Added 2 night multiple choice events in the market.

· Added 1 night event in the square.

· Added 2 night events in the farms, one of them a multiple choice event.

· Added 1 night multiple choice event in the houses (some of this choices will require to have some total level of influence or another event to be unlocked).

· Added 7 images in the academy (5 of them in the outside doors).

· Added 2 images for observing events in the market.

· Added 3 images for night events in the farms.

· Added 4 images for night events in the houses.

· Added 1 image for observing events in the church.

· Added 4 images for observing events in the farms (3 sketches).

· Added and changed images of the interface (animation of the areas leveling up, notes of the bards minigames, options menu, ritual icons...).

· Now the ritual 2 needs to be purchased.

· Added 9 backgrounds alltogether (the background of the castle replaced).

· Gallery updated.

· New debug codes (uploaded in a moment).

Known bugs (the bigger ones. We know quite more minnor) :

· The possible bug with the inner door of the academy.

· Somthing similar happens when the acuatic suplies is used or the mermaids events are seen in the hot springs and the beach. You have leave the area and then the events will update to the right level.

· Sometimes after you perform an action, the floating numbers will show you had earned "0" experiece but the experience will rise as it have to.

· The bug that freezes the farm. Didn't happened to us yet and still making changes to try to prevent it but if you find it please report it to us (similar bugs been reported happening in the room in the tabern and the castle but never happened to us either. Hopefully if this happen the auto-save could be a meantime solution). Also we know for some people this bug was fixed upgrading the latest version of adobe flash player on their browsers. 

· Some subareas must be closed at night.

· Some maladjustments with the combat.

So, what it's left for chapter 1?

For this chapter we'll have to fix some bugs and adjust some things, add a lot of images for events and sounds.

During this month we'll focus on it but also to prepare a new android version and catch up with the images for the winnig events from the forum (probably releasing quicker hotfix instead of a monthly alpha). Once finished the month still will be working on images and bugs but we'll combine the work with the starting of the developement of chapter 2.

And what can we expect on chapter 2?

In general terms, beside have similar features with the chapter one, chapter 2 will probably have:

· Diferent paths to reach check points.

· Finite number of regular villagers. Instead of influence random villagers, every area will have it's own villagers and they will have it's own stats (preferences, dislikes...). The sum of their influence will give the total influence of the area.

· Mountain zone and east of the island zone with it's own areas (quite smaller than the current map. Maybe with 2-3 areas).

· Gather of magic ingredients to make potions.

· "Hunt" of spirits and magic entities.

· Friendship, training and cooperation with characters.

· Jobs like run the tavern or a cult of worshipers of Elana.

· Collecting card game?

All of this could seem a lot, and it is actually :P, but we'll cut or rethink parts of it depending of the developement or depending on what do you think about it.


Posted by knotgames - July 1st, 2016


Here is the June alpha ^^

More art should been added but luck doesn’t smiles us again at the end/begining of month (we should try to publish at the middle instead). Even so we had included some sketches so you can se how the work is going.

Next week we’ll take a little vacation and we’ll be back on Monday 11. Between mojito and mojito we’ll try to take a look at your comments to answer and help as much as we can.

ALPHA 2.6.6


· Now combat is easier (Elana hits harder)

· Trainings modified. A little more difficult (now wera a joke :P) but there is always reward even if you lose and also the amount of times you need to train to reach the maximum its been reduced.

· Now inside the areas you can see the stats unfolding a tab in the bottom left of the screen.

· Some bugs fixed in the prison.

· Fixed some issues with “acuatic supplies”.

· Fixed some sound bugs about the music getting stuck.

· Now in battles you can surrender.

· Fixed some night malfunctions of the events (maybe the event said Elana is taken to the nest or things like this but then didn’t happen).

· Fixed the bug that allows to have more magic points or energy than the maximum of the bars.

· Added sounds on the combat (some still undone).

· King added (with 4 images and a demi-animation).

· Queen added (with 4 images).

· An event with both the king and the queen apear when the events of both of them are completed.

· Added the subareas of the crypt and the royal chamber.

· Added 4 images for observing events in the academy (1 at the door).

· Added 1 image for observing event in the castle (sketch).

· Added 6 images for observing events in the houses (2 sketches).

· Added 1 image for observing event in the square (sketch).

· Added 1 image in the forest for observing events.

Known bugs:

· If, when you “kill” an enemy you click very fast, it could make the program broke.

· We’ve been told quite times about a bug in the farms and the barn wich could make the program broke, but we have not been able to found it. Even so the code it’s been checked to try to prevent it.



WARNING: The combat in this version is quite difficult at the begining you have to buy skill and train to get it easier.


Two list this month since we didn’t made a public release last month.



Posted by knotgames - June 8th, 2016

Since we are not releasing public alpha this month, here you can see how the new combat looks and works. More on the game's line :P 

You can check it here (Adults only, mature content):


Posted by knotgames - June 6th, 2016

This month it's not going to be public release because the 2.5 was still quite bugged. At the end of this month or begining of next one we'll release the 2.6

To don't have you totally in the dark with the project we'll publish some images of the new combat and events until then.

Alpha 2.6 

· 1 image for night event at forest.
· 1 image for sleeping event in Elana's nest.
· 2 images for sleeping events in the tavern room.
· 2 images for “urban” night events.
· 8 images for “rural” night events.
· 2 images for events in the farm.
· 2 images for events in the tavern.
· 3 images for events in the hot springs.
· 10 images for events in the beach.
· Training buttons now have tags.
· Except for the traning combat, wich is four, all training will be maxed when performed three times.
· Fixed bug that said you had the training maxed when it was not.
· Fixed some sound bug issues. 
· Now the button for acuatic supplies only apears when the skill is purchased.
· Now the acuatic supplies in the square gives 5 influence on all areas and it's not necessary to purchase it again but it will cost expirience too to perform.
· When you go to jail you don't lose the exp. points you earned in the area. 
· Now the las event of the academy sends Elana to jail.
· Now the potions and the books apear in the inventory.
· Now the health book give Elana more health in combat.
· There is no limit of number of winter potions to buy.
· The inventory now have two pages.
· The shovel in the barn can be picked up at night.
· Some items will disapear from the shop when bought.
· Now Elana's dresses apear in the inventory.
· The sigil that disapeared now it doens't.
· Now the items from the shop moves by "pages".
· Rala's text in the shop now works as a normal text.
· The event "Kaeryn excerces" doesn't apear if the skill to steal it's not purchased.
· Fixed some images for the observing events.
· Now bard's minigame can be skiped the first time it's performed.
· Now work with Tina or play with the bards work as a normal event, clicking on the ragdoll.
· Fixed night/day transition of the fury spirit event.
· Now when you finish the events of the academy door Elana enters to the academy directly.
· Some night events don't start until triggered sleeping in the nest.
· Now when spirit say it's late and Elana should go to sleep, when the destination is choosed Elana apears directly to the location.
· Now there is no black frame when clicking in locked areas at night and a pop-up apears to say it's closed.
· Fixed some night choice events.
· Now the effects of the night events work.
· Now when you wake up in the tavern the ragdolls apear as usual.
· Fixed some issues with ritual 3 and Lodred events.
· Now you lose one hour when you fight.
· Fixed some combat minor bugs.
· Fixed some tavern minor bugs.
· Steal now rise alarm (still needs some adjustment).
· Removed buttons from rituals.
· Added some sound for items and money. 

Known bugs:
· The floating numbers of the stats bars are incorrect.
· The button "drink" apear on some items in the inventory, like dresses but it only close the pop-up.
· The nimph event say Elana recover 80 points but actually recovers 100%.
· The action button animation can still freeze.
· If events with music are skiped some issue could apear.


Posted by knotgames - May 9th, 2016

One year since our first demo!

Posted by knotgames - March 5th, 2016

This month we are only going to upload the public relesase in our blog because most of the changes are only mechanics.

Here you can find the upgrades for 2.1.2 version for parons: 



And here the list for the 2.0 and the link to play:

