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knotgames's News

Posted by knotgames - December 1st, 2015

This month we are not going to publish here on Newgrounds (maybe to many alphas here for the same game :P we'll probably publish next month public release)  but you can find this month public release on our blog elanachampionoflust.blogspot.com.

Here are the upgrades for the new alpha for patreons and the link to the list of upgrades for this month publicrelease:

Alpha 1.9 for patrons

· Diferent text display to make it more fluid.
·Music changed. (music by audionautix.com)
·Load bar.
·Sounds added to foreplay actions.
·Rala salutes when Elana visits the shop.
·Life potion added at the shop.
·Training books added at the shop.
·Flute added at the shop.
·Mountain background.
·Elves show up at the mountain (nothing else to see besides diferent elves. Keep walking).
·Academy background.
·New ritual added. First ritual gives 20 magic points and new 60 but mus be
upgraded in future.
·Train increase the maximum points of magic and energy. Combat training disabled until well implemented (Some people said that this trainings was a little boring and long so we'll make it longer... but with minigames... in future).
·Now you can find the bards at the tavern . Two images and a minigame. After you complete al events you'll get an special object (nothing to do with that yet) and you can repeat the minigame every time you want (gives somemoney).
·Now you can find Wet Pussy Girl at all areas. First event apear since the begining of the game but the second event will only apear after you complete all Rala events (2 animations and 5 images events). After all events you'll get an object.
·5 images added for the church events.
·4 images added for the square events.
·1 image added for the farm events.
·Now you can do “Fucktalities” in combat. Increase the arousal of the guards will
increase the posibility to perform “foreplay” on them and leave them K.O (we have to add and make lots of things into the fights but maybe it will take a whole month so we'll add small things while we work on other stuff for now).

Known bugs:
·Titles for the areas and the actions can disappear but it can be fixed saving and loading the game.
·If the auto-observe is activated, first time you find a singular character a frame apears out of places but the event starts normally after a mouse click.
·Sometimes you have enough points to perform an action but it apears disabled. Moving the mouse on the bars (energy, magic, exp..) will fix it.
·In a fight if you do the “fucktality” and the oral female animation apears you'll see the crazy tits bug.
·In a fight if you do the “fucktality” the music of the action stays until the end of the
·After the intro and the tutorial the music and sound levels goes to the minimum and you have to set it again in the options.

Alpha 1.8 upgrades:


Posted by knotgames - September 1st, 2015

·Some skip butons to other points of the intro.
·Options work now inside the game.
·New skill system (now the skills must be learned using xp points).
·Skills tree (new habilities will show while learning the previous ones).
·Some skills can be upgraded (for now just add more images or animations apearing ramdomly when using the skill. Does not improve what it does).
·A description of the skill will apear placing the mouse on the skill in the skill tree.
·Added animation with the plain villager and Elana and some images for the rumors skill.
·Added animation with the plain villager and Elana for loving touch skill.
·Added animation with the plain villager and Elana for surprise kiss skill.
·Added bad touch skill with an animation whit the plain villagers and Elana.
·When upgraded, the foreplay skill will show two more animations.
·Added magic wind skill.
·Added visions skill whit an animation of plain villagers and some images (same as rumors skill)
·Added spontaneus arousal skill with an animation of plain villagers and Elana.
·Minimum balancing between magic an phisic actons. Actions give more influence and magic give more xp (the final balance it will not be made until everything is on the table).
·When you enter an area auctomatically does an observing action.
·Added skip button for observing events.
·Added menus and mechanic sounds.
·Added blur option for backgrounds instead of darken.
·Added more events for the square, houses and farms (now every area except the castle, academy and the mountain has at least 12 events).
·Corrections on some text for events and actions.
·Added about 10 images for the observing events.
·Upgraded the balance between influence and what event shows when observin an area (again not definitive).
·Backgrownd for the houses and tabern added (and sketches for the rest of the areas)

There is a newer version for our patrons so some things are already upgraded or fixed.
Check our blog (+18) https://www.elanachampionoflust.blogspot.com for more info and images and our patreon (+18) https://www.patreon.com/elanachampionoflust
if you want to support us

Posted by knotgames - July 9th, 2015

Since the forum is not open yet for $5+ patreons we’ll start the voting on the patreon activity wall.


Elana will evolve two times during the game and her phyisical image will change, so all animations from the magical and physical actions of her from previous evolution stages will be useless.

So, do you want us to redo all animations with every evolution images, so the previous skills can be used in every evolution stage (with the huge amount of time that will suppose) or just do the new animations and images that Elana is suppose to learn during the current evolution stage?

Voting is open on the activy wall of our patreonhttps://www.patreon.com/elanachampionoflust until August 31.

Posted by knotgames - June 14th, 2015

We have been talking with the people from ListenToPo and they let us use their audios for the game :D

Check out their website for some awesome erotic audio (adults only):





Posted by knotgames - June 2nd, 2015

Well, this is more or less what we are planing to do as a structure of the game.

It’s not immovable (we are already changed things last month so...) but it will be a guide to us to follow.


1. Area: Every area will have its own events and singualar character events for each level.
2. Level: It will be 3 different levels with its own events although events from lower levels will have a chance to appear to add more possibilities.
3. Events: Events will have more or less chances to apper when Elana is observing the area dependig on wich point of it she is (experience).
4. Quest events: Some events will send Elana to a quest.
5. Bad events: Depending on the level when Elana fail to perform some actions bad events will be shown. Some of them will have consecuences but Elana could may fight some of them at some point.
6. Rituals: Each level will have a low ritual and a high ritual to recharge the magic points.
7. Physical action talents: Actions Elana will learn througt levels.
8. Magical actions: Powers and actions Elana will learn throught levels.
9. Subactions: Soma actions (like summon minions) will lead to some more actions.
10. Singular characters: every area will have a chance to show its own singular character to interact and a lower chance to show a secundary singular character (you will have 35% chance to find Rala in the forest but just 15% to find the twin bards for example).
11. Singular character actions: Singular characters will have its own physical and magical actions to perform with.
12. Singular character events: Also they will have its own events.
If you have any doubt, just ask, with a comment or an e-mail :)

Posted by knotgames - May 28th, 2015

We have just published our first alpha version for patrons and updatet our presentation here with the text revised and spanish language added. If you want to play this alpha don't  worry if you don't wan't or you can't support us on patreon, by supporting us you just get early access or  other specific rewerd (or helping us to make this project :P) but it will be a public free plublication of it eventually.

Alpha 0.8

·Text revised.
·Translated to spanish (until the tutorial).
·Added skip buttons for the intro and the tutorial.
·Level 1 physical actions (depending wich one you choose you have more ore less chances of success).
·Some level 1 observing events. There is 3 to 6 different events depending on the area, except for the mountain and    the chances to find one ore another changes with the influence level of the area (more or less every 30 influence  points the events will change until +60-70). It will cost some magic points.
·When you perform physical actions the influence of the are increases and you lose some energy.
·Rest button recharge energy.
·Ritual button recharge magic.
·Random villagers appears on some events (too random for now and just with 3/5 outfits).
·When you put the cusror over an are you'll see the your influence on it.


·We will change the sistem to perform actions on future upgrades when we'll have made the backgrounds of the  areas. First you will enter the area and then you'll choose the what to do. Also it will be some chances to find some  singular character there, in that case, an icon will apear and you'll can perform some special actions with him/her.
·Now when you fail some physical action only appears a fail text and you lose some energy. On future versions when  you fail to perform somthing it will appear some bad event.
·There is no debug codes yet. We'll add it soon with some hotfix.