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knotgames's News

Posted by knotgames - October 9th, 2019


"Through work, satisfaction, through satisfaction, pleasure, through pleasure, happiness and, in this, we found pride."

Here is a quick concept for the next world we'll work on. 





Posted by knotgames - October 1st, 2019


A little delayed because those little things from code that sometimes are stubborn as mules and doesn't want to work, no matter how many carrots you offer them, or how much you threaten them with a slipper.

Finally, it's done, and all the content from the first area has been added (about 30 minutes in a speed run without reading the texts so it could be more than 3 hours of gameplay). There are some aesthetics and interface stuff to be added and adjusted, but you can complete everything you are supposed to do in this area in this stage of the game, which takes place just before a story event and the creation of the academy of sex.

We are not going to list every step you have to do to complete this version but you can reach the point to have a good result with image on “fondling” and “playing” with everyone of the characters, there are a lot of extra images tho.  To "influence" this characters, you'll have to interact with them choosing the right actions to perform with them, but you'll also have to use items that you'll find on the ground or will be given by other character, as well as asking for help when you have gained enough trust with some of them.

This first area is made, somehow, to mess around, explore and try things, a little bit crazy because all the characters progress on their on way, but don't worry, this chapter future worlds are going to have more plain and simple structures (also, the interface is going to be adjusted and improved to make everything more understandable).       

Hope you'll enjoy!


· Added all character of the starting area with their ragdolls and avatars except for the avatar of Wanabequinn  (the expressions in the events will probably be adjusted in future. Also there are some aesthetics adjustments to do here, for example Ari's avatar could be duplicated depending on which action you choose or an image of Lord Smither is misplaced).

· Added all images/animation of the characters of the starting area.

· Added a sound (laugh) to know when a character's progress has advanced and you have to figure out the next step to influence them (placeholder).  

If you choose the right action to take, according to the character you're speaking with, a female laugh will be heard, and a new interaction (weather it is asking a favor or asking to play some games) will be available. .

· Added a basic U.I. options and the possibility to switch the language to Spanish.

· Added all objects of the initial area (there is no inventory yet but all work as if it was. You can find objects in the background of the areas or obtain them from the characters).

· Added music (still place holders).



Posted by knotgames - September 27th, 2019


"You betrayed me... You ripped me apart so now I'm going to rip you apart... I'm going to go for what is more precious to you and destroy it... Leave you without nothing... Drain your soul until you are just surrounded by a glowing red mist of suffering..."














"Just kidding! Nippely marshmellows, honey poties, dinguie donguies!"


Fun fact: At the beginning of this project it was planned  that Elana was going to betray the Spirit by the end of chapter 2 and become some kind of anti-hero, moved for a greater good and slave of her obsessions. Luckily the story evolved and for now we are still keeping her purity which we think it's a great asset.  


Posted by knotgames - September 26th, 2019


New exclusive animation available in early access for 10$+ patrons (4 loops. Eventually will go into the game but not soon). Also probably tomorrow we'll release a new version (It will depend on the final testing of the version). 





Posted by knotgames - August 19th, 2019


Finally! With way less content that we wanted, but already something playable.

 We had spent most of the time (aside from learning the new engine features) preparing code that will allow us enter the characters and the events way faster, in a more automatic way but, when the time to put everything together has come, some unexpected problems has showed up. This problem made the interactions between npc made the game freezes  and because of this we've not been able to add most of the content. We are really sorry because we have already a ton of content ready that has not made it to this version.

It's not really a big deal because it can be fixed with just some more time, but it has slowed us this last days and forced us to block content in order to have something to publish. Also, the pathfinder we made for the character to walk in the areas, kept showing a bug that made Jane sometimes walk to infinity and beyond, so we had to recode it from scratch this last week. Is still a little messy, but it should be easy to polish it in future.

Good news is from now on we'll be able to release far more often. Actually after we'll come back from vacations at the beginning of September we expect to release a version in 2-3 weeks, way more polished and probably with all the 18 characters for the starting area included and complete.

Aside from sometimes, when we'll add minigames and maybe the coding part will require more time, the release speed should depend only on how fast Root can write and draw, and right now he had the chance move a little forward with work.

About the version, it's been tested but not as much as we wanted, so it can show bugs and we'll be very grateful if you tell us what you could find.

What is added it needs some polish, since some sizes during the conversations or even the backgrounds  could need adjustments, some facial expressions could be out of place and we want to add a little more movement to the buttons and the interface. Also right now the only way to know if a character is more or less influences, is to read the answer he/she gives you when you try to do stuff with them but, in future, we'll add a bar of influence for each one of them and after every action you  try with them, a reaction image will flash showing the character aroused or angry depending if they liked the action or not (this images are already prepared).

Content added:

Note: When opening the game select panoramic screen (1920x1080 is the optimum). In future it will be automatized but now select other screens could misplace the elements of the game.

· Main menu with it's animation.

· Added cinematic intro (click on it skips the cinematic).

· Added presentation event.

· Added the starting world (jane can wander around in 6 backgrounds). In future there will be small events where Jane will talk a little about each of this areas but since is not implemented yet, long story short, this starting world is an imperfect and chaotic representation of Jane's mind.

· Added the characters Ari, Smither, Xa'l Astra, Christie, Dela, Lodred, Lashy and Elana.

· Added interaction system. Aside from Elana, you can interact with the characters talking to them and trying to perform actions with them (like flirt with them, kiss them, do sexy time..) and depending on their nature, and how influenced they are, they will respond with a positive event or a negative event (which can be just an exchange of two sentences or more extended conversations). In future this system will be attached to the influence but right now the way to “advanced” in actions is a matter of try to perform the action the character is ready for (for example if the character is ready for a kiss, he/she will show a positive event, and after, the action fondle will be also available with a positive event). BUT it will not be just that easy. Some characters will get blocked at some point not allowing you to move forward with them until you get the help from other character or you give them a particular object which you can get from other character or picking them from the areas (Due to a bug we've not been able to solve yet, which appeared recently, the interactions between characters and the objects are not implemented yet). For example, you'll not be able to move forward with Ari at some point until you get the help from Lashy to calm her or you'll not be able to move forward with Dela until you get her a proper dildo (since there are no objects and interactions between characters yet in this version, some characters will get stuck at some point and Dela will show always negative responses). Also some character will need some actions to be performed two times in order to move forward. Right now it could be a little confusing but once the influence bar and the reaction images are placed it will be way easier (we'll also do a quest log eventually).

· In this version you can complete Lodred, Lashy and Christie (leaving aside the events including other characters).

Note: This particular part of the characters interacting with other characters is what gave us most problems with the automatic system we prepared. Because sometimes many factors from different characters must coincide and can overflow the frame of the automatic system sometimes. But, as we mentioned, we have the solution and should not give more problems on future versions.

· Counting the “greeting” events and the positive and negative answers, added about 60 events.

· Leaving aside the images from the backgrounds, the characters, the intros and the interface, added 5 images for events.

· Right now only English version is available.

We'll also take a couple of weeks of vacation to reload batteries and return to work faster, harder and better. 

Thanks for your support and see you soon!






Posted by knotgames - August 15th, 2019


We think we'll be able to release the first alpha of chapter 3 tomorrow but we are struggling with a couple of things so there are some chances we'll release on Monday or so.

Soon in any case ^^





Posted by knotgames - August 9th, 2019


Posted by knotgames - August 5th, 2019

Hi everyone!

We changed a little our patreon tiers adding new rewards and features.


If you are curious and want to know what is new you can check this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/change-of-tiers-28929340

Have a nice day!

Posted by knotgames - July 25th, 2019

The event is already written so, relatively soon there will be an explanation in the game from the point of view of someone who's been there the last three thousand years, which will explain how and why the island ended being how it is.

Beside of this, during the chapter, details from this story will show up from different characters and point of views.

Have a nice day! 


Posted by knotgames - July 2nd, 2019

Hi everyone,

Sadly, we have to announce this will be the last U53ful 1d1o7 exclusive arts until we reach 6'500$ milestone again. We'll edit the tiers to leave this reward on hold but, as we commented, there is a restructuring planned for the tiers with more rewards and more engage from our part with the community.

This restructuring of the tiers is prepared but we are waiting until we release the first version from Chapter 3 because right now  we are dealing with a huge amount of work.

About the release of this first version, it is going well but it carries a tone of work. The new game engine software (Unity 3D) and it's scripting language, together with the fact that this chapter it's made brand new, with no material from the previous chapters to use, has slowed down the things a little, but we are confident that we'll be able to release a playable version during this month and we know next releases will come out faster.

Thanks for your patience, your support and hope you'll enjoy what is to come!


· Summer hiking, available for 1$+tiers.

· Summer cruise, available for 5$+tiers.

· Summer diving, available for 10$+ tiers.




